Carbendazim 50 WP
Systemic fungicides used against Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, funfgi imperfecti in Banana, Cereals, Grapes, Ornamentals and Vegetable Crops
Hexaconazole 5 SC
Hexaconazole 5 EC
Sysytemic fungicide controls many fungi on apples, vines, Coffee leaf rust and Cercospora Leaf spots on pea nuts, banana, cucurbits, pepper and other crops.
Systemic fungicide with protective curative and eradicate action used as seed dressing and against various burnt and smut diseases of cereals.
Copper Oxy Chloride 850 WP
Copper Oxy Chloride 500 WP
A broad spectrum fungicide used against Phytophthora control in various crops, Pseudoperanospora control in hops etc.,
Mancozeb 800 WP
Broad Spectrum protective fungicides used as foliar or seed treatment. Effectively controls Alternaria, Phytophthora and Cercosporain various crops and also controls scab disease and rust in cereals.